Monday 18 August 2014

Vellum pocket


A customer recently asked me make a pastel gift set for her. I'm a bit 

obsessed with vellum at the moment so I decided to make a big 

vellum envelope to hold them all. I love the pastel colours of the sweet 

sorbet  DSP from the latest salebration catalogue. 

I combined a mixture of the sweet sorbet DSP, pages from an old book and 

vellum to create these cards as well as white embossing powder (I'm also a 

bit obsessed with embossing everything white!)

I've also recently discovered gesso. I used it on the above layout. Once 

sticking a page I ripped out of an old book I picked up some gesso on an old 

ID card to run down the page a couple times. I love the effect it creates by 

totally lighting up the card.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Boys Will be Boys

Happy birthday to my dear 5 year old boy! I can't believe my oldest baby is 5!

Life is going super fast as always and today we are celebrating a very special day. Micah's favorite toy at the moment is lego so I was super excited when Stampin Up released the 'Boys will Be Boys' featuring this lego stamp. Find it in my store at

I hope to post some more cards I've been working on recently so stay tuned for some more exciting designs coming your way very soon!

This site was made with ♥ by Angie Makes